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Leather care (Leather treatment, nourishment)


The LEATHER CAR + CARSPROWASHfeeds all types of leather and keeps it supple. It will deeply nourish the leather.

Before feeding the leather, we advise you to clean the leather with our LEATHER CLEANER product.


HASendto keep the leather flawless and in top shape, we recommend that you nourish your leather every 4 to 6 months. A lack of maintenance can have consequences such as the leather cracking or even the color of the leather leaving, in this case it will be necessary to proceed with the renovation of the leather with our kit for the renovation of the leather.

It is imperative to use the right product especially for leather, a bad product filled with chemicals can have serious consequences such as cracking of the leather or discoloration over time... Our formula is 100% natural which offers 100% effectiveness, many products will have the opposite effect, this product will deeply nourish the leather without attacking it or damaging it.


Using advice :

Apply the product to the surface to be treated with a clean, soft cloth and gently rub your leather (Massage it with the cream until it penetrates)

Be careful not to rub too much so as not to damage the leather.

Leather care (leather treatment, nourishment)

€18.90 Regular Price
€14.90Sale Price

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